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Emad Pharmaceuticals

Serving to promote global health

Concentrated disinfectant for food industry

surfaces and equipment

based on 15% peracetic acid

Concentrated disinfectant for food industry

surfaces and equipment

based on 15% peracetic acid

Concentrated disinfectant for food industry

surfaces and equipment

based on 15% peracetic acid

Epimax P 15% is a disinfectant and sterilizer based on the most powerful antimicrobial compound in the world (peracetic acid), which is formulated with the highest quality and standards to remove all viruses, bacteria, fungi and other microbial agents. This combination is so unique that scientists named it the most powerful disinfectants.

Introduction to Epimax P 15%

Epimax P 15% is a stabilized solution and includes several principal components such as peracetic acid, hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid and other synergistic compounds. This formula is designed and it is produced from the main components of the product. The formulation of Epimax P15% is unique and has several advantages in comparison to other disinfectants in the market and these advantages are as follows:

Increasing effect, so that the Minimum Inhibitory Concenteration (MIC) has been decreased and a very small dose of MBC can remove all micro-orgasms.

The dosage of Epimax P 15% is low as and more affordable.

Epimax P 15% is a disinfectant and sterilizer based on the most powerful antimicrobial compound in the world (peracetic acid), which is formulated with the highest quality and standards to remove all viruses, bacteria, fungi and other microbial agents. This combination is so unique that scientists named it the most powerful disinfectants.

Introduction to Epimax P 15%

Epimax P 15% is a stabilized solution and includes several principal components such as peracetic acid, hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid and other synergistic compounds. This formula is designed and it is produced from the main components of the product. The formulation of Epimax P15% is unique and has several advantages in comparison to other disinfectants in the market and these advantages are as follows:

Increasing effect, so that the Minimum Inhibitory Concenteration (MIC) has been decreased and a very small dose of MBC can remove all micro-orgasms.

The dosage of Epimax P 15% is low as and more affordable.